
Garden Wildlife: Pests and Beneficiaries

5 Articles
Snails in Gladiolus

Snails in Gladiolus

My Missing Gladiolus About six years ago, I planted a dozen or so gladiolus corms. (Corm is the name for gladiolus bulbs) For several years, I had beautiful, tall and vibrant gladiolus in my garden. Slowly, the blooms have become smaller and smaller until I had only one or two large gladiolus a year and…

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By Admin_@1785, February 5, 2025
Butterflies in the Garden

Butterflies in the Garden

Why plant flowers which attract butterflies? So that you can have twice the beauty.

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By MaryGardener, September 15, 2022
Another Bug 2

Another Bug 2

Garden pests aren’t always easy to identify in the field, so it helps to focus on one or two species per season. So, also, in the spiritual life, it’s a helpful practice to focus on one fault or sin per season.

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By MaryGardener, June 16, 2022
Another Bug

Another Bug

A walk through the garden gives me a chance not only to enjoy the beauty but also to protect it from garden pests. I can’t but help think how this parallels the spiritual practice of an Examen.

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By MaryGardener, June 16, 2022
Butterflies and Other Garden Guests

Butterflies and Other Garden Guests

Now you can imagine my garden, small as it was, as an inn. Some of the insects came to sleep and breed. Some came to eat and drink. Perhaps many came at the beck of bright colors and cheery smells. I discovered the joy, not only of observing the flowers, but the insect life that they attracted.

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By Admin_@1785, May 16, 2021