in Garden Musings

My Georgia Garden Unfolding in May

  • May 13, 2022
  • By MaryGardener
My Georgia Garden Unfolding in May

This is mainly a photo post of my garden. You may wonder why some of the pictures look almost the same. I was playing with my camera, delighting in the numerous layers found from some angles. Which angles you may wonder? Sadly, most of the best pictures are found at ground level. Cars, telephone posts, background weeds, electric wires, stray toys–they all want to photo-bomb my garden pictures. More and more I appreciate the sense of having a good, lovely backdrop to act as a garden canvas. Oh, well. I just wanted to share that lest you get the wrong impression which my pictures do in fact want to convey; namely, that there are no eyesore backdrops to my garden. This life isn’t perfect, but it does have beauty. 😊

Verbena bonariensis, highlighted by new growth on the nandina.
My Larkspur! A first for me and a happy easy success.
A John Paul II Rose. My mother grows these flawlessly. Mine are plagued by pests and fungus.
Johnny-Jump-Ups, fanflower and calibrachoa
So many layers!
A crowd of happiness
Yes, a ramshackle fence.

One good backdrop I did have got bit by the dust: a truck load of sand knocked it over. In this picture you can see only one of many of the downed slats of my garden fence. It’s all for a good cause: an addition to our little cottage. See (sorry I can’t create a link, yet!) for more of that story.

By MaryGardener, May 13, 2022
A Flurry of Roses
Consider the Lilies