

  • 4 Articles
The Trinity and the Beach

The Trinity and the Beach

There’s a famous story of St Augustine, a Catholic bishop who lived in the 300s, and the seashore. The story goes that as St Augustine struggled to understand the mystery of the Trinity, he found himself walking along the beach ruminating. If you have never encountered Christianity, the Trinity is the unity of Three Persons…

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By MaryGardener, August 26, 2022
Consider the Lilies

Consider the Lilies

The day lily is an exceptional garden flower which renews its glory every day. Beyond merely gracing the garden with its lovely blooms, it testifies of the Goodness of God who cares so generously for his creation.

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By MaryGardener, July 8, 2022
Hearts of Clay

Hearts of Clay

My vegetables just weren’t thriving even though the soil looked so dark and soft. A few turns of the shovel and I could see the cause of difficulty: a thick layer of hard red Georgia clay. My plants could hardly grow in that compact soil. How is my heart like clay?

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By MaryGardener, May 17, 2022

A Seed Catalog for the Soul

I love to nurture and tend budding beauty and fruitfulness in my garden, but I have other canvases to paint.

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By Admin_@1785, January 10, 2021