

  • 3 Articles
Another Bug 2

Another Bug 2

Garden pests aren’t always easy to identify in the field, so it helps to focus on one or two species per season. So, also, in the spiritual life, it’s a helpful practice to focus on one fault or sin per season.

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By MaryGardener, June 16, 2022
Hearts of Clay

Hearts of Clay

My vegetables just weren’t thriving even though the soil looked so dark and soft. A few turns of the shovel and I could see the cause of difficulty: a thick layer of hard red Georgia clay. My plants could hardly grow in that compact soil. How is my heart like clay?

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By MaryGardener, May 17, 2022

A Seed Catalog for the Soul

I love to nurture and tend budding beauty and fruitfulness in my garden, but I have other canvases to paint.

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By Admin_@1785, January 10, 2021