in Garden Know-Hows (And Don't Knows), Garden Musings

A Flurry of Roses

  • August 27, 2022
  • By MaryGardener
A Flurry of Roses

Summer is drawing to a close, but we, Georgia gardeners, have hope of at least one more good show of roses. The summer heat and drought were not kind to my roses. I had a few good blooms after spring, but not many. My hope is that, with good care, we’ll have a glorious close to the season of the rose.

A climbing iceberg rose: although it struggled with pests and a lack of care… At least it was there.

Preparing for Fall Roses

Now, if I wanted grand success with my roses, this would probably be the time to apply a granular fertilizer to my roses. I don’t have any on hand, though, and the budget is tight. What I do have is free and hopefully fitting for the effect I desire: dried chicken manure. 🐔 I know that my roses have shown bursts of growth when I applied it before, but I am not certain of the timing, or, how long it will take for the manure to work it’s way to the rose roots. I’ll keep you updated.

Besides a good meal, my roses need another spray for fungicide. Rose experts weakly suggest using baking soda on black spot, but follow that with warning that such measures will be inadequate in Georgia-like weather. Fungus loves humidity and warmth. Welcome to Georgia.

A Tiffany Rose

Organic gardening is for my vegetables. When it comes to ornamentals, I’m willing to take a risk with some chemical fungicides and pesticides. My vegetable garden is far away and I forbid human consumption of anything grown in my flower beds. So, what will I use? Probably Ortho, a recommendation of a good friend rosarian. Although, I may make an exception and use a lower grade product which includes a pesticide. Some bugs have been making lacework of my rose bushes.

JP II Rose with minor insect damage.

A Shower of Roses

Writing of my hope of Fall roses, I can’t but help thinking of a woman named St Therese of Lisieux. Most Catholics could make the immediate association. Therese died an early and holy death. She assured those who grieved her demise with the promise that after her death she would let fall a shower of roses from Heaven. She meant that she would ask Jesus for many favors, but she likes to stick to the rose imagery even while obtaining other graces and miracles. One dear friend of mine has received about 30 dozen roses in this past year when she asked St Therese to pray for her intentions.

St Therese’s Feast Day is October 1st. I’m certainly hoping for a shower of roses in my garden on that day!

To live of love, it is to know no fear;
No memory of past faults can I recall;
No imprint of my sins remaineth here;
The fire of Love divine effaces all.
O sacred flames! O furnace of delight!
I sing my safe sweet happiness to prove.
In these mild fires I dwell by day, by night.
I live of love!

“To Live in Love” a poem of St Therese
By MaryGardener, August 27, 2022