
Seed Catalogs

  • 5 Articles
Summer Runners (in the Race for Garden Excellence)

Summer Runners (in the Race for Garden Excellence)

We love to plan our gardens in winter and spring, but even the most educated guesses are subject to what actually plays out in your unique garden climate. Mary recalls a few of her early-summer hopes.

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By MaryGardener, September 13, 2022
Garden Newbies

Garden Newbies

Every year I try add a few–or ten–new flowers to my garden. In this post, I tell the stories and share pictures of three new favorites: anenomes, false Snapdragon and larkspur.

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By MaryGardener, May 25, 2022
Last Year’s Not-Quite Now Right

Last Year’s Not-Quite Now Right

Some flowers–and gardeners–need more than one season to get their act together.

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By MaryGardener, May 20, 2022
My Georgia Garden Unfolding in May

My Georgia Garden Unfolding in May

My garden flowers are beginning to fill out and shine their brightest in early May. Larkspur, violas, salvia, roses, verbena, snapdragons, phlox, and the last irises.

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By MaryGardener, May 13, 2022

A Seed Catalog for the Soul

I love to nurture and tend budding beauty and fruitfulness in my garden, but I have other canvases to paint.

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By Admin_@1785, January 10, 2021