in Garden Know-Hows (And Don't Knows)

Why Garden Anyway

  • January 2, 2021
  • By Admin_@1785

Why garden at all? That’s a simple question to answer! Because it’s fun! “What is Spring? New growth in everything.” (Gerard Manley Hopkins) Gardening is a constant participation in Spring. A gardener is continually in the service of growing things, be the current season Spring, Winter, Summer or Fall.

Ok, I admit. There are a few more reasons to grow a garden. A garden is a way to create beauty. I love, love, love flowers. Almost as much as my three year old daughter, who likes to pick them All. A flower garden is a thing of beauty. The beauty of each, individual flower and bud. The beauty of the interest if various textures and colors amidst the foliage and blooms. The beauty of various forms. The rich fragrance of the rise, the softness of the gardenia blossom….


I like to think of my perennial garden–which by the way is in adolescent rather than adult stage–as a living flower arrangement, balancing and coordinating the difference plants to create a beautiful view.

Another reason to garden. Good old Vitamin D and fresh air and exercise. As a mother with small children, I often find it hard to go on outdoor excursions. Gardening gives me something to do outdoors without leaving my yard.

The reasons could go on and on, but I don’t want this post to do so. It goes without saying but doesn’t come without with, we garden for food. What a joy to harvest food grown in your own garden! Someone here must admit that most of her vegetables have had snacking rather than meal-worthy yield. That means, instead of producing enough to make a meal, my plants just give off enough for a happy grazing. Sigh. I told you that I’m not a master gardener.

By Admin_@1785, January 2, 2021